The 2021 Easter Egg Hunt
We have a rich history of grand Easter Egg Hunts in South Cornelia. This one will be a bit different due to COVID-19, but it’s still fun for all in a new location, Fred Richards Park!
The Overview

Whether you’re a candy-craving child, picture-taking parent, or just enjoy kids romping around the park, we have something in store for you from 10-11 a.m. on April 3 in Fred Richards Park.
Jump Links
COVID-19 Precautions
In order to gather at Fred Richards Park, the City of Edina and Minnesota Department of Health have some strings attached. Here are the expectations for all humans who want to be at the park with us for the hunt:
- Wear face masks.
- Maintain six feet of physical distance from folks you don’t normally share air with and the Easter Bunny.
- Keep groups to 50 people or less (which is why we’ll have multiple groups in different places).
- No eating or drinking during our time together. Encourage kids to wait to eat treats after they’ve headed back home.
- No one attends who has any COVID-19 symptoms or who has been in recent contact with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19.
The Marvelous Map
On our map, you’ll see:
- Where to park if you’re driving
- The names of each zone
- What hunting zone your kid(s) are in (sorted by first name in each group)
Whether you’re driving, biking, walking, or crawling to Fred Richards Park, aim for an arrival around 9:45 a.m. so you can get the lay of the land and some information from your hunting helpers.
Map Legend
Just click any of the hunting zones to see which kids are where. Each zone lists kids in alphabetical order by first name.
In general, here are the primary age ranges for each zone:
- Rabbit Run: 1-4
- Look Out Below: 5-7
- Pouncing Pond: 8-9
- Hop to It: 10+
Here’s a direct link to the map if you want to see it outside this website.
For the Egg Hunters
All we need from you is to be mostly awake with your eyes open and with a parent/guardian. Then you’re ready to score some sweet treats and other goodies inside all the unique eggs you find.
That’s right. You’ll get your own set of unique eggs that only you get to search for!
- When: April 3 from 10:00-11:00 a.m.
- Where: All around Fred Richards Park
- What to expect: A bunch of eggs hidden just for you.
Special Notes:
- We’ve heard from Easter Egg experts that it’s essential for hunters to stay six feet or more away from one another. Some hunters can get very territorial.
- While it can be tempting to open those eggs right away and dig into whatever’s inside, we’re asking you to wait until you leave the park to crack open your egg collection.
- To have the most fun and get the most treats, it’s important to listen to your Parade Guide (a.k.a. your parent/guardian) about staying safe.
For Parents and Accompanying Adults
We know you can help us all balance safety, fun, and exploration! What do you need to know so you can guide a child and enjoy the festivities yourself?
- When: April 3 from 10:00-11:00 a.m.
- Where: All around Fred Richards Park
Anticipated Questions and Attempted Answers
I'm driving to Fred Richards. Where do I park?
There’s a parking lot on the southeast edge of the park, right here.
Where and when do I check in at Fred Richards Park?
You’ll need to check your kids in by 10:00 a.m. in order for them to not miss out on any fun. To check-in:
- Find the zone assigned to your kid on the Marvelous Map.
- Walk to that zone with your kids.
- Find a friendly check-in volunteer who’s waiting to give you your unique egg carrying container and sample unique egg for each kid to find.
- Wait for the check-in volunteer to do a ten second countdown right at 10:00 a.m.
- Watch all those kids scatter like mad to find their eggs!
How can I be a good guide for the kids I'm responsible for?
Stay directly with the kids you’re in charge of to:
- Maintain physical distancing.
- Ensure they take only the unique set of eggs assigned to them.
- Make sure they don’t eat anything from inside the eggs until they leave the park.
How can I help with the pre- and post-event coordination?
We have hundreds of plastic eggs to stuff with prizes and the same number of eggs to clean and put back together for next year’s Easter Egg Hunt. A good 2022 hunt starts the moment the 2021 hunt ends, so contact Marie Johnson if you want to help in some way and didn’t already specify in the sign up form.
Do I have to sign up in order for my kid(s) to participate?
You sure do! We won’t know to hide eggs for your kid(s) unless you tell us you’re coming and some details about your family. The deadline to register is March 28 so we have time to put everything together.
Who can participate?
It takes a lot of work to put this event together, especially with modifications for COVID-19. And because we have limited labor and don’t have 1,000s of unique sets of eggs, we’re keeping the participant lists to those who live around South Cornelia, Lake Cornelia, Lake Edina, and a few hand-selected people or areas.
Ready to Get Involved for a Future Event?
You can contact us at or call Joel Zaslofsky directly at 612-240-2601. The quick survey below is also a great way to start a path towards giving and receiving with the wonderful folks of South Cornelia.